Synthetic Training

Aim To develop a common vision among the EAG Nations about the use of Synthetic Training for improving multinational interoperability between 4th and 5th Generation weapon systems. Desired Outputs An EAG Synthetic Training and Simulation Catalogue A document in which the EAG Nations’ Common Conceptual Vision for Future Synthetic Training is recorded Back to Air…

RPAS Symposium

Aim: To introduce a harmonised, networked MALE RPAS ISR training solution to promote interoperability between European MALE RPAS. Organize an annual RPAS Symposium in order to look for possible gaps in interoperability between the RPAS systems. Desired Outputs: After the IMRIT Closure Activity it is the intent to close the IMRIT project and start the…

Advanced Training and Exercises Master Plan (ATMP)

Aim To enhance multinational training and improve interoperability through the synchronisation and coordination of national and multinational training and exercises, creating opportunities for pooling and sharing of resources, maximising training benefit and avoiding duplication, or confliction with dates. Desired Outputs A developed network for sharing national and multinational training and exercise information An easy to…

Red Forces – HERMES

Aim: To establish an effective and efficient exchange of national Red Air Services and training enablers. Desired Outputs: The Harmonized European Red Air Means Exchange System (HERMES) is an exchange system developed by the EAG to ease multinational collaboration, and to allow nations to exchange national Red Air Services and training enablers. This new exchange…

Eurofighter Typhoon Interoperability Project (ETIP)

Aim To enhance the Eurofighter/Typhoon operational capabilities, providing a permanent forum to strengthen the network whilst identifying practical opportunities to promote combined familiarity, detect interoperability issues and develop and validate practical solutions in the Air Ops, Flight Safety and Maintenance domains. Desired Outputs Improve networking and information sharing between Eurofighter/Typhoon operators Intermediate/Sqn Level Address/Study ground…