TTP Manual for C-sUAS

Aim: On the basis of EAG STOX TA Nations’ and international doctrines and directives to develop tactics, techniques and procedures within the scope for deployed Force Protection for Air Operations. Desired Outputs: A tactical level TTP Manual that enhances interoperability among EAG STOX TA Nations during deployed activities in regards to countering small unmanned aerial…

FP C2 Handbook

Aim  Support FP commanders and FP personnel on the operational-tactical level in FP HQs and FP CPs during exercises and operations. Desired Outputs A handbook containing Job Descriptions and SOPs, reporting formats, FP Status Boards for overall situational awareness and tactical force management boards (personnel/material/vehicles), as well as a Risk Assessment tool. Back to Force…


Aim: The aim of VOLCANEX FP C2 CPX is to familiarize and train EAG nations’ and partners’ FP personnel in CP functions and responsibilities based on relevant EAG and NATO FP products and documents, especially familiarising them with and the EAG FP C2 Handbook. Proof of the EAG FP C2 Handbook concept and improvement by…

Survive To Operate and Force Protection Tech Arrangement

Aim Supervision of all “Survive to Operate and Force Protection (STOX) TA” objectives: Promote and facilitate training & exercise, personnel & information exchanges. Increase the EAG nations’ capability to defend and protect themselves in both the conventional and nuclear, biological and chemical environment. Desired Outputs Discuss & analyse FP capability shortfalls, propose ways forward to…