The European Air Group (EAG) is governed by the EAG Steering Group (SG), comprised of each of The Chief of the Air Staff from the seven nations. They convene once a year to provide high-level direction and guidance on all matters relating to the EAG.
A Permanent Staff (PS) of 30 personnel – 24 officers and 6 NCOs – is established at RAF High Wycombe, United Kingdom. They are responsible for the execution and coordination of EAG activities in pursuit of the organisation’s objectives.
The EAG is headed by the Director EAG (DEAG) and is the Chief of the Air Staff of one of the EAG nations. They usually reside at their national headquarters. The EAG PS operate under the direction and guidance of the Deputy Director EAG (DDEAG), this role is a 1-Star Air Officer from one of the seven nations and is appointed as the senior permanent post at RAF High Wycombe. The EAG PS are managed by the Chief Of Staff (COS) EAG, who supports the DDEAG by translating policies, directives and initiatives into detailed EAG staff projects, tasks and activities. The DEAG, DDEAG and COS are the only roles within the EAG that swap between nations every 2 to 3 years. Each nation gets to occupy these roles every 14 years or so.
The EAG Working Group consists of working-level representatives from each nation and is chaired by the COS overseas, the work of the EAG Staff provides mutual information and coordination between the participating countries. It meets a minimum of twice a year.
Each of the seven nations provides a 1-Star Point of Contact (POC) to enable higher-level oversight within the participating Air Forces and ensures that projects, tasks and activities are being effectively supported by that nation. They are also the key national POC to the DDEAG.