European Air Group’s VOLCANEX Force Protection Command And Control Command Post Exercise 2022 (VOLCANEX FP C2 CPX 22)

The European Air Group’s (EAG) VOLCANEX FP C2 CPX series is a well-established exercise series within the EAG Force Protection (FP) community.  Through the excise’s overarching aim, to train junior FP officers and NCOs in functions in a multinational Air FP Command Post on the basis of internationally agreed EAG and NATO documents, especially the EAG’s…


The FP way in the EAG – A single set of experts Force Protection projects and continuous activities are born, discussed and refined through STOX TA Coordination Board Meetings. This expert FP forum, formed by the undersigning Nations of the corresponding TA, convenes twice a year with the task to manage the EAG FP activities.[1]…