At Albacete Airbase in Spain, members of the EAG, supported by NATO AIRCOM A4, led a multinational team consisting of CHE, CZE, ESP, FRA, GRC & ITA, assessing the compatibility of Air Ground Equipment between Eurofighter Typhoon, F-16, F-18, Rafale and Gripen. Major Tom Bergmann of the EAG noted that ‘we took a different approach to previous iterations and had all the nations involved together checking equipment at the same time’. This bold approach paid off and the team made huge strides towards understanding compatibility between combat air fleets. Sqn Ldr Michael Neaves, the EAG team lead, suggest that ‘this new way of working is already paying dividends, nations technicians are developing a new level of trust, and you can see the progress in just two weeks. Imagine longer term co-operation and what could be achieved?’ The team hope to take what they have learned and the approach used and transfer it to a number of multinational exercises throughout 2024. The EAG remains committed to enabling Agile combat Employment through a variety of exciting projects.