Cross Maintenance

Aim: Establish a forum that discusses maintenance differences in a manner that is easily understood and that can find opportunities for interoperability. Bring maintenance and airworthiness communities together, to establish a pathway (for F-35 nations initially) for mutual recognition of specific areas in order to exchange technicians according to national Airworthiness regulations to support cross…


Aim To establish a pool of TACEVAL evaluators who can assist other EAG countries in achieving NATO validation/certification and strengthen the level of interoperability in the operational, logistic and force protection domains. Desired Outputs A single multilateral framework / TA , that allows evaluators and candidate evaluators (under training) to be deployed between EAG Nations…

Air Warfare Symposium (AWS)

Aim Establish a symposium as a means to share common upcoming challenges; training, exercise or operational shortfalls; operational and tactical level lessons learned, as well as to discuss interoperability issues amongst Subject Matter Experts (SMEs). Desired Outputs Provide a forum for SME´s to network and share information. Provide useful guidance to EAG PS on areas…