The VOLCANEX exercise series is used to introduce and validate EAG key products. Each VOLCANEX is demand driven and the result of a request, identified need or requirement articulated by the EAG nations. VOLCANEX exercises are aimed at the tactical level with the intention to enhance interoperability and standardization amongst EAG Nations and EAG Partner Nations. After last year’s Air Mobility Protection Team (AMPT) training opportunity during the European Tactical Airlift Programme Training 2023 (ETAP-T23), the VOLCANEX FP C2 CPX 24 was designed to offer a dedicated command post exercise in a realistically simulated Non-Article-5 scenario for the seven EAG nations, including the two partner nations Norway and Sweden. The exercise lasted from 19 May until 07 June 2024 and was divided into three, six day-long increments starting on Sunday and ending with an informal dinner each Friday evening. After an Icebreaker on Sunday afternoon including initial briefings by host nation representatives, Monday started with a morning filled with introductory briefings regarding the exercise scenario and in the afternoon the first training vignette was used to familiarize all participants with the air base, the command post functions and the handling of the simulated entities ranging from soldiers to vehicles and different kinds of aircraft. From Tuesday to Friday, the exercise participants were confronted with an initially slow but steadily increasing complexity and intensity of exercise injects and tasks. The exercise set-up and scenario reflected a highly realistic operational environment at the former Swedish airbase Helsinge, located 180 km to the North of Uppsala. This complete well-found airbase and the surrounding area were available in a 3D-simulation at the correct geographic location and provided the tactical maneuver elements, the possibility to move and react in real time to all changes in the tactical situation. This edition of the VOLCANX FP C2 CPX was superbly hosted by Sweden at the Uppland Air Force Wing (F16), Air Warfare Center, Air Base School in Uppsala supported by the Swedish Land Warfare Centre simulation experts located in Skövde. Maj Gen Andrea Argieri, ITA AF operations command chief of staff together with EAG Deputy Director, Général de brigade aérienne Xavier Foissey, Col Vallejo Diaz (ESP AF), Gp Capt Weekes (RAF) and the host Col Magnusson (SWE AF), honoured the exercise staff and training audience with their attendance during the Distinguished Visitors Day in the third week of the exercise and received an in-depth insight into the exercise. Later the same day, the Chief of the Swedish Air Force, Maj Gen Jonas Wikman, invited the guests to a hosted lunch and took the opportunity to also receive an introduction to the exercise by the EAG exercise staff. The training was very well received and participants found it very beneficial to train in an international setting, operating in a multinational manned command post. Valuable lessons identified and best practices will be incorporated in the next revision of the Force Protection Command and Control Handbook Version 3. |