The first EAG CIS meeting was hosted by Ejercito del Aire y del Espacio at Base Aérea de Gando on the 15th and 16th of March 2023.
It provided a forum for exchanging ideas and knowledge on the military CIS in use by Air Forces in Europe. The discussion focused on the differing tactical and infrastructure projects within EAG nations, one of which was the use of High Frequency (HF) radio, which is, perhaps surprisingly given its longevity, seen as a priority for EAG. HF radio usage was declining and was poorly used as a reach back of satellite communications. However, thanks to recent technological development, HF is having a comeback as an effective alternative and Air Forces need to develop their interoperability in this field.
This meeting also allowed participating nations to review their current EAG CIS projects and to prepare for the next CIS VOLCANEX, to be held at RAF Leeming in October 2023, and to seek to create a 3-year plan.
The next event is planned during the EAG’s VOLCANEX CIS 23 exercise, which will allow CIS points of contact to also visit the exercise.