European Air Group Steering Group 2024

AIR CHIEFS MEET TO DISCUSS CO-OPERATION AND INTEROPERABILITY IN MILAN, ITALY The European Air Group Steering Group, comprising the Chiefs of Staff or their representatives of the Air Forces of Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, and the United Kingdom, met in Milan, Italy on 20 June. The Steering Group is the highest governance…

European Air Group Meets the Lithuanian Chief of Air Staff whilst Delivering Agile Combat Employment (ACE)

The EAG had a very busy month in February 24, aiming to deliver Agile Combat Employment (ACE) from a European perspective First of all, members of the EAG PS were welcomed to Lithuania by the Chief of Air Staff, Colonel Ananas Matutis, at the Air Force Headquarters in Kaunas. Following the traditional exchanging of gifts,…

MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT between NATO School Oberammergau, European Air Group and Joint Air Power Competence Centre

NATO School Oberammergau (NSO), European Air Group (EAG) and Joint Air Power Competence Centre (JAPCC) signed a Memorandum Of Agreement in the field of Education and Individual Training (E&IT) by mutually supporting their operations and interests related to Force Protection (FP), with particular focus on NATO approved FP Courses delivered by NSO. NSO is an…